Evaluate your own Voice & Persona by choosing the number that corresponds to your answer.

  • Do you run out of breath when speaking in front of a group or find it weakens at the end of a phrase?
    not aware rarely sometimes often always
  • Does your Voice gradually ascend to a higher tone when giving Presentations, leading a Team or during Negotiations?
    not aware rarely sometimes often always
  • Do you wonder why other people have that "natural charismatic charm" and you wish the same for yourself?
    not aware rarely sometimes often always
  • Do you often hear people saying "could you repeat that, please", because you are speaking too fast?
    not aware rarely sometimes often always
  • Do people often ask you to speak-up, because you are speaking too soft?
    not aware rarely sometimes often always
  • Are there too many Ahhhs or Uhmms in your sentences?
    not aware rarely sometimes often always
  • Do you feel tense, nervous or experience other body tensions when speaking in front of a group?
    not aware rarely sometimes often always
  • When leading a Training or giving a Presentation, do you get vocally tired?
    not aware rarely sometimes often always
  • Do you feel uncomfortable wanting to interject or object during a group discussion?
    not aware rarely sometimes often always
  • Do you find during a Team meeting that your 'fellow colleague' will receive the "recognition or credit" for the same idea which you said just minutes before?
    not aware rarely sometimes often always
  • Do people say you speak in a m-o-n-o-t-o-n-e voice?
    not aware rarely sometimes often always
  • Do you get the feeling that your Power Points are often in control of your Presentation and not you?
    not aware rarely sometimes often always
  • Do you use too many hand or arm gestures while speaking?
    not aware rarely sometimes often always
  • When speaking in another language other than your native language, do you feel you are not communicating with your Voice's maximum potential?
    not aware rarely sometimes often always
  • Have you ever given much thought about the importance and impact of your Voice and Persona?
    not aware rarely sometimes often always

  • If you would like to receive a personal evaluation, please fill in the questionnaire and the form below. Click on send.